Bloom explores the boundary lines of abstraction and representation through shifting proximities of sound and image. It is the materiality of sound and bodily illusion, where the materials extend into each other, qualities blending into a warm detailed fuzz where a specificity without definition is created. The reverberations and echoes left over are singular but unidentifiable. As the body is placed in a state of heightened attention, it is open and responsive to the different affects co-habiting the space. Placing the mind and it’s attendance to different states that are enlivened by images or sound leaves us with the question of what does xxxx feel like. What does thinking feel like?
Premiere: UniArts Helsinki Theatre Academy, December 2022
Choreography: Ryan Mason
Sound design: Timo Tikka
Light design: Aku Lahti
Costume: Suvi Hänninen
Set design: Aino Kontinen
Dancers: Ida Vu, Leo Terävä, Riku Koponen, Miro Puranen, Johan Högsten
Duration: 25 minutes
Pictures: Jussi Ulkuniemi